I wrote this sentence:

Now, suppose that the "Price" anchor is already visited and the "ShippingInfo" anchor is visited after that. At this time, the context node "Product", which is defined as the "Common Ancestor" of these two anchors, is retrieved and its associated node in the page, which is the lowest common ancestor of the anchor elements, is obtained.

Does my usage of "already" and "after that" to convey a sequence in time is correct?

For example:

suppose this neighborhood is already visited and that neighborhood is visited after that. Now we can ...

How about:

Suppose this neighborhood is already visited and that neighborhood is visited next. Now we can ...

1 Answer 1


No. You can say

this neighborhood was visited first and that neighborhood was visited next.


this neighborhood is usually visited first and that neighborhood is usually visited next.


when that neighborhood was visited, this neighborhood had been visited already.

depending on what you want to say.

  • Can I say "Now, suppose that this neighborhood has been already visited and the other one is going to be visited. At this time...." Actually I want to refer to the time we visit the second neighborhood, when the previous one has been visited.
    – Ahmad
    Commented Aug 22, 2015 at 16:19
  • I do not really understand what you are trying to achive. Give me more context, the full paragraph.
    – Aleksey
    Commented Aug 22, 2015 at 16:26
  • the exact scenario is technical, suppose in a tree structure an action depends on visiting two specific nodes. I want to say to the reader, suppose the first node has been visited and the second node is visited, now the action is performed..
    – Ahmad
    Commented Aug 22, 2015 at 16:47
  • Why not to say then: when both nodes are visited, the action is performed? Or, if the order is important, say: when node A and then node B are visited, the action is performed.
    – Aleksey
    Commented Aug 22, 2015 at 16:51
  • I came up with this Suppose that A has been visited. When visiting B, the action is performed. Because I want to say action is exactly done when the first condition is met (visiting A) and the second condition is provided (visiting B).
    – Ahmad
    Commented Aug 22, 2015 at 17:00

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