The following is an excerpt from WSJ:

The world’s largest smartphone maker by shipments said it halted sales of its Galaxy Note 7 phone after customers reported their batteries exploding during charging.


I wonders how "their batteries exploding" is constructed. Would it be the same to say "their batteries explosion"? In English, sometimes it seems to use a "Verb -ing" form instead of a noun form.

Can anyone please explain?

  • 2
    Two words are elided from the phrase: customers reported that their batteries were exploding. In journalese, this kind of ellipsis is not uncommon. The reason that English seems to use a verb-ing form of a verb sometimes is that it is the noun form of the verb. This is the gerund. ("Their batteries explosion" is meaningless in English because there is no verb present.) Commented Sep 8, 2016 at 4:35
  • 1
    Thank you for including a link to your source (the WSJ). You also ask a very specific question, and ask about an alternative construction. All in all, this could be a model question for all learners to learn from. Commented Sep 8, 2016 at 4:50
  • I can't really add much to what @P.E.Dant has said in his comment. It's probably good enough to be a short answer. I am not 100% sure we have to say it is ellipsis, or whether it is just extremely helpful to consider it as ellipsis. Commented Sep 8, 2016 at 4:52
  • @AlanCarmack You are correct; I was going for helpful. Analyses of journalese are often rabbit holes, in my experience. Commented Sep 8, 2016 at 4:59
  • @P.E.Dant : Why do you not post your comment as an Answer? It might be considered "short" but it addresses the question comprehensively. It is far more than a comment. Commented Sep 8, 2016 at 20:35

1 Answer 1


The complement of (transitive) reported is a nominal of some kind or a that-clause. The complement must answer to "reported what?" They reported "something".

Consumers reported

their lettuce wilting | that their lettuce wilted | the wilting of their lettuce

their batteries exploding | that their batteries exploded | the explosion of their batteries

having gas after eating beans | that they had gas after eating beans | their gas after eating beans

The noun-from-verb wilting|exploding doubles as a nominal and as a verb. It satisfies both the "reported what?" and the "did what?" question.

What did the lettuce do? It wilted.

What did the batteries do? They exploded.

The difference is finite/non-finite. Nominals are non-finite or a-finite.

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