What is the correct way of saying that I participated in competitions that had participants from across the globe? I also have to be brief, saying it.

The sentence I am using in this case is:

(I) Ranked 22nd of 2062 global participants in Women’s Cup, October 2015.

International generally means not national. I want to say that national as well as international participants were involved in the competition.

  • You might consider the differences between global (around the globe) and nation. global makes no distinction for political boundaries. In your case, anywhere on Earth vs. any nation/country.
    – user3169
    Commented Nov 26, 2016 at 7:51

1 Answer 1


The word you are looking for is


since it also includes you home country.


would refer to all other countries except your home country.

This usage is applied to financial products where, as a US investor,

a global portfolio

would have investments throughout the world including the US, and

an international portfolio

would have investment throughout the world excluding the US.

For a British investor the terms would include or exclude UK holdings.

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