Maximum time I face this problem by saying listening music. Is there any traditional cause behind this?
Can we use listen music or listening music?
Seems there is only a slight difference, but why is listen to music the right way to say it?
Maximum time I face this problem by saying listening music. Is there any traditional cause behind this?
Can we use listen music or listening music?
Seems there is only a slight difference, but why is listen to music the right way to say it?
Listen is an intransitive verb: it does not take a direct object. It means “be attentive to sounds”. Consequently, these are complete sentences.
I listen.
Listen! ... (This is a command, with the subject you understood.)
If you want to indicate that you are attentive to a particular kind of sound you must express this with a prepositional phrase.
I listen to music. ... Music is playing and I attend to it.
Listen for the bell. ... The bell will ring; be attentive, so you notice when that happens.
"Listen" or "listening" is an important difference in verb tense; "to" is a preposition, as would be "with" if your meaning were different. Both your verb tense and choice of preposition determine the meaning of the sentence. For example, at first glance:
is an intransitive verb which means that the verb cannot have a direct object.
So in the sentence:
I listen to music.
music is an indirect object
because the verb and the object are connected using to
If you had:
I listen music.
It would be a direct object
because there is no preposition liking the verb and the object. So this is incorrect.