At last the play began again, but the audience had lost interest. One man shouted, “People of Paris! This play is not amusing. Nothing happens! I thought we were going to select the Pope of Fools. In my city of Ghent, this is how we do it: A crowd such as this one gathers. Then anyone who chooses puts his head through a hole and makes an ugly face. The one who makes the ugliest face is chosen Pope. That’s it! It’s a lot of fun, I tell you. Shall we choose your Pope of Fools this way? It will surely be more amusing than watching any more of this boring play.” The audience clapped in agreement. Someone broke the glass out of a small round window. Then people started putting their heads through the empty circle of stone. Every human expression was seen. Men and women, young and old, scholars and shopkeepers—all got in on the fun.

Dose it mean all people enjoyed seeing those funny expression?

  • 1
    Yes, you understand correctly. All people joined in the fun. See get in on Commented Jan 7, 2019 at 11:58
  • Thank you so much , yes I see but I doubt it Commented Jan 7, 2019 at 12:14

2 Answers 2


"Got in on" means participated in, or enjoyed the benefit of. You could say, "I got in on the stock market boom" or "Sally threw a big party and Bob got in on it."

"The fun" here may mean specifically the entertainment value of people making funny faces, or more generally of the play as a whole.


"Got in on" means "participated in".


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