I know a similar phrase which is "my circle of friends".

Thus, would this one apply as that phrase?

The sentence:

Who could that be? Although my circle of the people I know, is not that big.


1 Answer 1


Although my circle of the people I know, is not that big...

This is a little bit awkward because it says "my circle" and "I know" which is redundant. If it's your circle, you will know the people in it, right?

You could say:

Although the circle of people I know is not that big...

but it is still a little wordy. You might want to say,

Although my circle of acquaintances is not that big...

If you start your sentence with "although" I expect you to contrast your statement with something else after the comma. For example,

Although my circle of friends is small, they come from places all over the world.

  • I would rewrite my sentence from "Who could that be? Although my circle of the people I know, is not that big. " to "Although my circle of acquaintances is not that big, I'm not sure who could that be." Thanks a lot. Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 19:36

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