You see that these days people communicate face to face far less than they did in the past. When we are constantly tied to our phones checking work emails, news alerts, or simply scrolling through Instagram, it's imperative that we learn to balance this with offline time with our loved ones. We are paying more attention to the device than the person with whom we are conversing. Fostering relationships online can hurt our relationships offline, making us less able to communicate. "Those that have limited experience in reading people do not have the same level of social intelligence previous generations posses. Unfortunatley, there is no ........... between people these days like the past! In the context above, would it be possible to use the word intimacy to fill in the blank?
Whereas the peecise meaning of the word "intimacy" has a connotation of sexual relationship while the word in my question as a nutral one has nothing to the with these sort of affairs.
I would really like to know if there is a better choice here rather than my offered one.