Here is the use of "have a moment" natural?( apart from its other meanings)?
The phrase 'Having a moment' should be used whenever a conversation between yourself and someone else is interrupted, either verbally or through the unwanted presence of someone.
Does not necessarily mean the you are actually having a moment. Boy and Girl are having a discussion about motorized seesaws at a party, Random Guy appears near them, attempting to interject the conversation.
Girl: "Uh sorry, we're having a moment right now" Boy: nods Random Guy: "Oh, uh, sorry" Exeunt
Source: The Urban Dictionary.
And is this use common in AmE:
to not be acting normally for a short time, for example because you are not thinking about what you are doing, or because you are feeling a
Source: The Cambridge Dictionary.
The Dictionary says it's a British phrase, so is it used in AmE as well?