How do I use "move to" with feelings?

According to the definition of "move to" for feelings on the Cambridge dictionary website, we can use it to: "to cause someone to have strong feelings, such as sadness, sympathy, happiness, or admiration"

but can I say for example since they didn't use it as an example:

1 She was moved to happiness.


2 She was moved to sadness.

  • 1
    'Moved to tears' is the most common usage (when a situation makes someone feel such strong emotion that they want to cry). Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 17:45

1 Answer 1


I think "moved to" works better with immediate responses, or with actions, rather than with persistent states like happiness and sadness.
These work well:
moved to tears
moved to sympathy
moved to act
moved to respond

Here is a link to Google ngram viewer showing that "moved to tears" is 250 times more likely than "moved to happiness":
Google ngram viewer

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