I want to know how to call few relations like: my

brother-in-law's sister

brother-in-law's sister's son/daughter

sister-in-law's brother

sister-in-law's brother's son/daughter

  • not really one word.. for eg. my mom's brother means.. i can call him as uncle and my sister's child means i can call them as Nephew and niece right.. like that i want to know how can i call these relations?
    – G.L.P
    Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 5:24
  • 1
    English, in general, has relatively few kinship terms compared to many other languages.
    – choster
    Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 19:32

2 Answers 2


I just consulted my mentor whom is studying in the Ministry of Education in Singapore.

Brother-in-law's sister is basically sister-in-law. That's the shortest. For their son or daughter, either distant cousins or cousins-in-law, but I would not parse the latter.


brother-in-law's sister


brother-in-law's sister's son/daughter

Sister-in-law's son/daughter

sister-in-law's brother


sister-in-law's brother's son/daughter

Brother-in-law's son/daughter.

But mostly we just call them the animals that run around screaming, and knocking stuff over while their good-for-nothing parents drink our beer and laugh at their antics.

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