Below are the images of the definition of gutter on Google, which is a trough on the edge of a roof. However, in the phrase 'throw money in the gutter', I imagine gutter means something related to sewage.
-– KillingTimeCommented Dec 12, 2021 at 0:32
1@KillingTime That's an answer not a comment.– tchristCommented Dec 12, 2021 at 0:49
Hint: You don't go UP to have your "head/mind in the gutter" or to "spit in the gutter." Sewer is the right track.– DjinTonicCommented Dec 12, 2021 at 1:15
2 Answers
When something goes into a gutter, it eventually goes down the drain, rendering it irretrievable.
Bye, money!
gutter noun
1a : a trough along the eaves to catch and carry off rainwater
b : a low area (as at the edge of a street) to carry off surface water (as to a sewer)
c : a trough or groove to catch and direct something
Source: Merriam-Webster
It doesn’t much matter what kind of gutter or which drain. However, unless you’re a roof rat, you’re more likely to be engaging a metaphorical street gutter for your “throwdown”:
the edge of a road where rain flows away
In older times, without trash collection and good plumbing, it would be a filthy place full of rubbish.
Just to confirm, the whole edge of the road (like in the pic) is called a gutter whereas the opening that water flows into is called a drain?– RayCommented Dec 13, 2021 at 0:27
Yes. The edge of the road is the gutter. Even if there isn't a drain.– MaryCommented Dec 13, 2021 at 0:37