Overall, 11% of Australians, or 1,837,000 people, were living in poverty in 1999. _______, aged people were the least likely to be poor, with poverty levels of 6% and 4% for single aged people and aged couples respectively.

In the above sentences, I'd like to know a word/phrase to lead readers from the overall information to data on sub-groups that comes under the big one. Here, single aged people and aged couples are two sub-groups of Australians. Thanks a lot!

  • 4
    "In particular" would work well. Commented Mar 20 at 5:03
  • 1
    I might use "Specifically, ..." or something longer but with more meaning like "Looking at the population by age, ..." Commented Mar 20 at 14:30
  • 2
    You're talking about pretty much the opposite of poverty in the second sentence. Why not talk about which groups were the most likely to be poor and leave the exceptions to last? As it is, it's something of a non-sequitur, and so there's no smooth transition.
    – TimR
    Commented Mar 20 at 15:24
  • It's just an example I gave. Let's say I changed it to 12% and 10%, what would you recommend? Commented Mar 20 at 17:51
  • 1
    It is not the percentage but the phrase "least likely to be poor". You're talking about those who tend not to be poor immediately after talking about poverty. You are suddenly switching direction, as it were. You'd need a statement to make that transition, not a simple "segue word". Something like "But poverty does not affect all groups equally".
    – TimR
    Commented Mar 21 at 11:47

1 Answer 1


Overall, 11% of Australians, or 1,837,000 people, were living in poverty in 1999. _______, aged people were the least likely to be poor, with poverty levels of 6% and 4% for single aged people and aged couples respectively.

Depending on the perception of the figure 11% and of the aged people, we have several groups. I list down a few.

Group 1 considers 11% low, and can have In particular (from @Jetunsaure) and Specifically.

Group 2 views the aged people to be normally poorer, and can have Unexpectedly and Surprisingly.

Group 3 views the aged people to be normally richer, and can have As expected.

Group 4 is less specific about those perceptions mentioned above, and can have Among them.

Among them can be in Group 1 too.


In particular can be in Group 4 too for leading readers from the overall information to data on sub-groups.

  • 1
    I always thought "in particular" was neutral and fell into group 4. Commented Mar 20 at 7:00

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