Q: Is it ethical to send email to everyone who visits my Web site, or all of my customers?

A: Funny you should ask... seriously, though, it is often tempting for people to send “bulk email” to large groups of people in order to pique their interest in a new feature on their site, or let them know about a great deal they’re offering. You should resist this temptation. You should never send bulk email to people who haven’t given you permission to include them on your mailing list. Regardless of whether such a practice is ethical, doing so will make you extremely unpopular with a significant number of people.

How do you understand the part in bold?


1 Answer 1


It usually means there's a coincidence involved. "Funny" in the sense "weird". The speaker has recently confronted a similar circumstance or was just now doing something related to the question.

  • 2
    As an example, let's say my son Bob has been dating a woman named Linda for awhile. One day, he calls me up, and announces that he and Linda have split up. The very next day, a friend asks, "How are Bob and Linda doing?" I might answer, "Funny you should ask; I just found out last night that they split up." If someone else asks me the same question about a month from now, I'm unlikely to start with, "Funny you should ask..." Instead, I'll probably just say something like, "Oh, they split up about a month or so ago."
    – J.R.
    Commented Nov 25, 2014 at 10:06

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