I would like to know the most natural/everyday/colloquial way for a native speaker (preferably, N.Am dialect) to put below things into words: (basically the first phrase that comes to your mind, if you want to say it in an everyday, casual style, please.)
Context 1. Staying in a parking garage:
i.e., would it be correct to say:
how long is your car going to remain parked in the garage? Or...?
Context 2. Moving a vehicle out of a garage:
i.e., would it be correct to say: when are you going to get off the garage? Pull out of the garage? Move your car out of the garage? Exit from the garage? Or...?
Context 3. Moving a vehicle into the garage:
i.e., would it be correct to say:
when did you get in the garage? When did you pull into garage? When did you enter the garage? Or...?