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Questions tagged [in-of]

For questions about whether 'in' or 'of' is the correct choice in a given phrase or sentence.

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Preposition: Oldest town in/of England

London is the oldest town of / in England. Which is the correct preposition to use here ? My book says In but why of is wrong here ? Reading the sentence both sound correct.
user212388's user avatar
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Correct phrase: "advantages in using data" or "advantages of using data"?

Prepositions confuse me. Which is correct: "advantages in using data" or "advantages of using data"? Both sound good to me, but which is the correct and formal version?
wdihtwtd26's user avatar
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The advantage of / in / to booking tickets in advance is

Does using "of" with "advantage" consider Bad English? There is an advantage of abbreviating some things Bad, ugly English. link Note: the first example of "advantage" word in Cambridge ...
Shannak's user avatar
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in/of the environment

I'm predicting the future of the environment. (1) I'm predicting the future in the environment. (2) I said (1) is correct but my friend said (2). Which is correct? Analyze future -> predict the "...
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MSc student in, of, and at

I am a civil engineer and I'm a MSc student. I want to introduce myself. Which one will describe my position correctly? MSc student in civil engineering at ... University MSc student of civil ...
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A comparison between 'in' and 'of'

Which one of the following self-made sentences sounds more correct to you: His father holds the foremost position in the tribe. His father holds the foremost position of the tribe.
A-friend's user avatar
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The mother grips her son's hand [in/of/on] crossing the road?

What is the correct preposition? The mother grips her son's hand [in/of/on] crossing the road?
lolocripto's user avatar
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In these sentences, "OF the past" vs "IN the past"?

I've got several sentences that include 'of the past' or 'in the past' written in my book Phones of the past were all landlines. The main difference from transportation in the past. Many restaurant ...
jihoon's user avatar
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He lives on the top floor {of / in} our building?

He lives on the top floor of our building ? He lives on the top floor in our building ? Which is the correct preposition?
Leo's user avatar
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I don't see the point of/in doing that

Please tell me when should I say Of and when should I say In. For example consider the sentence below. I don't see the point of/in doing that.
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"the xxx section OF the yyy document" or "the xxx section IN the yyy document"

Today in a book I read a sentence similar to this: The "Conversions" section in the language specification. Although before I have read this, I would most likely said: The "Conversions" section ...
serge.karalenka's user avatar