See this structure in the dictionary.
tidy up after somebody:
Eg: I’m tired of tidying up after you boys (=tidying somewhere that someone else has made untidy).
Eg: When you cook, could you please tidy up after yourself.
When to use "after yourself / himself / herself..." & When to use "after you / him / her" in the structure" tidy up after somebody"?
Here is what I think but I am not sure I am right, if the subject & the object after "after" are the same then the object should be "yourself / himself / herself..."
He often tidies up after himself
She often tidies up after herself
We often tidy up after ourselves
But if the subject & the object after "after" are not the same then the object should be "you / him / her..."
We have to tidy up after him
I have to tidy up after him
but not sure which one is correct "I have to tidy up after ourselves" or "I have to tidy up after us"
& not sure which one is correct, Eg: I say "you have to tidy up after me" or "you have to tidy up after myself"