For a story I'm writing, I sometimes have issues with describing movement, more specifically when the characters are not standing upright. More specifically for following situations:
- A character is on its knees and moves to another spot (I don't know if I can use crawling, as that is usually on hands and knees, and the character explicitely doesn't use his hands)
- Everything that has to do with characters lying down and moving from one spot to the other (again not crawling). I found words like shuffling or shifting, I don't know if this is common use language?
- Specifically a character lying down in bed on it's side. Then she lifts her body and moves backwards (towards the headrest) a little bit.
I'm sorry for the sometimes weird wording, I hope you understand what I'm going for. Any help is appreciated, I'm a bit scared I'm using the word "moved" too much or wrongly in my story right now.