Like for example when you move your foot side to side. I don't know what that's called and I need help for writing a story.

  • 2
    Stamping, or less common, treading a cigarette out. In many UK towns and cities, you can get a fine of up to £150 (190 US dollars) for doing that in a public place. Commented Jun 25 at 21:55

2 Answers 2


"Grinding under your shoe" is another way of referring to it. To me, "stubbing" is (often repeatedly) pushing the lit end of a cigarette into an ashtray to extinguish it, which is not the same as crushing it lengthwise underfoot.

Collins Dictionary:

v. stubbing (usually followed by out) to extinguish (a cigarette or cigar) by pressing the end against a surface

  • Merriam Webster dictionary gives the meaning as to extinguish (something, such as a cigarette) by crushing. Grinding doesn't indicate extinguishing a cigarette. Commented Jul 27 at 14:20
  • @JamesMathai It's the manner of crushing that is material here. If something falls on your toe, that's different from stubbing your toe on the table leg. Commented Jul 27 at 14:31

Extinguishing a cigarette with your foot expression.
OP can convey his meaning by adding under the foot for the words in website link below For example

stubbed out/ stubbed/ snuffed out/ under his foot or with foot.

Stubbed out meaning from different dictionaries:

I. Ref. Merriam Webster dictionary
stubbed; stubbing.
transitive verb.
: to extinguish (something, such as a cigarette) by crushing https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/stub#:~:text=%3A%20to%20extinguish%20(something%2C%20such,or%20toe)%20against%20an%20object.

II. Ref. Collins dictionary
stub out.
When someone stubs out a cigarette, they put it out by pressing it against something hard.

III. Ref. Cambridge dictionary
stub something out.
phrasal verb with stub verb
to stop a cigarette from burning by pressing the burning end against a hard surface.

IV. Ref. Oxford dictionary
stub out phrasal verb.
stub something out.
​to stop a cigarette, etc. from burning by pressing the end against something hard.
He stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray.

  • "stuff out", "stuffed" and [dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/douse]("doused out") do not work with a cigarette stub -->"stub out" is pretty much a bull's eye, it's perfect. The thesaurus that supplied the other verb phrases, did you wrong
    – Mari-Lou A
    Commented Jun 26 at 16:20
  • @Mari-LouA You are right. The correct word from the thesaurus was snuff out. It was a typo.. I corrected it. Commented Jun 26 at 16:33

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