I want to know the difference between the two sentences above.
- There is a pencil there.
- There is a pencil.
I think that 'there' is unnecessary in No.1 sentence.
Would you please tell me the difference?
I want to know the difference between the two sentences above.
I think that 'there' is unnecessary in No.1 sentence.
Would you please tell me the difference?
In English, we use the expression "there +BE" to talk about the existence of something. When used in this way, there is not a locative. Some examples:
There are unicorns in the garden.
There's not a cloud in the sky.
There's no time to waste.
There were three in the bed.
"There is a tide in the affairs of men..."
In your first example, the second there is a locative adverb that tells us about the location of the pencil:
There is a pencil there.
In conversation, this statement might be accompanied by a gesture indicating the pencil's location. The sentence means "A pencil exists, and it is located there".
Without the second and locative there, the sentence means only "A pencil exists".