What does it mean "object of a preposition"?
Could you explain it by one or two example sentences?
What does it mean "object of a preposition"?
Could you explain it by one or two example sentences?
"Object of preposition" in syntax literally means that any preposition has an object (grammar) which directed by the preposition. (see here)
Our university is around the corner.
In this example, the word "corener" is the object, and its preposition is the prepositional word "around". And then here is the "object of preposition". (=the object word "corner" belongs to the prepositional word "around").
Another example:
He talked to him.
In this example, the word "him" is the object, and its preposition is the prepositional word "to". And then again we have the "object of preposition" (=the object word "him" belongs to the prepositional word "to").
In order to find an object in a sentence you should find the word that answer on the question “whom” or “what” is receiving the action or the desription.
For further information about it -see: How to Find a Direct Object?