What is the meaning of "bop the fizz" in this sentence?

What kind of question is it? "hey who wants to go for lunch?" is a different question from "hey could you bop the fizz for Bigclient?"

The sentence comes from https://workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/150798 .

  • Am I correct to think it means "do the stuff"?
  • Can you use "bop" and "fizz" separately in some contexts where they would keep the meanings "do" and "stuff"? Examples, please.
  • How colloquial is this expression, especially comparing to "do the stuff"?
  • Is it characteristic only to some specific English-speaking countries?
  • Are there any synonyms besides "do" and "stuff" which are at least the same common to hear?
  • As a native BrE speaker, I've never heard the phrase bop the fizz. Possible they just meant 'something the something'
    – Smock
    Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 13:42

1 Answer 1


That was me! They are semi-random placeholder words for arbitrary actions. it is also a vague reference to the games bop-it and Fizz Buzz

It is not an existing saying that is used anywhere on earth as far as I know but you understood my meaning perfectly: do something for this client.

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