Example sentence:
You have no reason to come out of your apartment, just like/as I have no reason to go in.
Should it be like or as? And why?
Example sentence:
You have no reason to come out of your apartment, just like/as I have no reason to go in.
Should it be like or as? And why?
Technically, because there is a verb after like/as (go in), you should use the conjunction as:
You have no reason to come out your apartment, just as I have no reason to go in.
Like is typically used to compare two things. For example:
Your apartment looks like my brother's apartment.
That said, in spoken American English, like has become a very common informal choice, even though it's technically incorrect. What that means is you are very likely to hear people use like when speaking, but you will probably see as used in written English since it is the correct choice.