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4 answers

Is there a term for the act of entering an amusement park without paying the ticket?

I know there are a couple of terms for doing something without consent, or paying for it, like free ride, free load and tag along. But these words are more inclined to jumping on a vehicle without a ...
Luki Ulysses's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why is “okay” used as the end of a question when comforting others?

I’m curious as to why “okay” is often used at the end of a sentence when a person is trying to comfort others? Eg. We’re gonna … , okay? Why is this usage of “okay” often used at the end of sentences ...
Tay's user avatar
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Would you like some fishy wishy with your talky walky

Dad and mom often talked the baby talk after a new baby arrived. One day they were cooking. Mom said to dad, Would you like some fishy wishy with your talky walky? while she was handing a box with a ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Checking for ingredients in a meal you order in a restaurant

At a restaurant, I'd like to make sure that a meal doesn't have milk or cheese. What would be the right way of asking this?: "Do you add milk or cheese to this dish?" ("meal" or &...
fyi70's user avatar
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2 answers

... does the cat see in the tree? — must the question word be 'who', 'whom' or 'what'?

It's an exercise for kids from a textbook. The book actually provides the answer as well: — ... does the cat see in the tree? — Two birds. My question is as follows. What should we use at the place of ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Is the question "people from what other countries are you in touch with?" grammatically correct? [closed]

Is the question people from what other countries are you in touch with? grammatically correct? For example: You said you talk to people from a lot of different countries except Brazil. People from ...
Dmytro O'Hope's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

"He asked how old I was" vs "He asked how I was old"

He asked how old I was vs He asked how I was old Is there any difference between these two sentences? Is the second sentence is grammatically correct or we can use adjectives only after question ...
Denis's user avatar
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Who is the best engineering team - question

So, today we had a discussion about the following question, which is the title of a competition proposal in our company: "Who is the best engineering team?" The discussion was about whether it should'...
user103300's user avatar
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'Have you got home' or 'Are you back at home' or 'Are you at home now?'

Hi I'm just asking my girl friend if she's come back from the party. I want to ask get if she's at home now. Are the following sentences correct? 1-Have you got back home? 2-Are you back at home? 3-...
alphabounce_1228's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does "newslet" exist?

I was quite sure I've heard people talking before about "newslets", or "media newslets", but the dictionaries list no such word. Am I talking about media outlets or something like this? Does the word ...
flen's user avatar
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Are "how long" and "how much time" the same?

which one is correct, coming from a pupil: How long do we have for / to do the exercise?" or: "How much time do we have for this?" I think that in the first question, the verb "have" does ...
zenith3's user avatar
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3 answers

What does this mean and is it correct to say so?

I have a text in english, the context is about electronics. this is a sentence : This work has a unique perspective based on the wind farm participation, through inertia control. 1- perspective ...
parvin's user avatar
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"Understand?" or "Understood?"

I often hear people in their conversation when a person is checking if the other understands what he mean, he raises a question with only 1 word "Understand?" But sometimes, I also hear people in ...
N.T.C's user avatar
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Do "who" questions not get auxiliary verb? [duplicate]

Normally, if I want to build a question about someone's verb, then I know the following formula. building of statement. Adding auxiliary verb in the beginning of the sentence and make it question. ...
Virtuous Legend's user avatar