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This tag is for questions which a dictionary cannot answer about the meaning or correctness of a word in a sentence. Give as much context as possible.

0 votes

What is the right way to ask

A renter rents 'from' a landlord. I rent my apartment from Mr. Biggs. A landlord rents 'to' a renter. I rented [leased] 210 Elm St. to Mary J. An apartment that is on the market to be rented is …
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2 votes

Can I say "pink is fragile" to express that it symbolizes softness/something that can be des...

If you are reporting your perspective (perception?) of pink, you can certainly say, "Pink is fragile." In the context of your perceptions, it will be understood as, "Pink represents fragility." It …
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2 votes

Driving vs. Riding

Generally a car has only one driver at a time. So if I say, "Bob drove to Denver," I mean Bob piloted the car. When multiple people travel to a destination by car, they all drive to the destinatio …
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1 vote

"someone’s" vs. "someone else’s"-- any difference?

Yes, there is a difference. Someone = Anybody (including me) Someone Else = Anybody but not me
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8 votes

"attractive" vs "appealing"

The words are similar. In AmE, I would suggest that which is attractive can be appealing and visa versa. There is a slight differentiation between the two, however, in that "attractive" implies some …
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how to say a group of people is more crowded in number compared to another

The way to express that one group contains more members than another group is to say, Group A was larger than Group B. It's that simple. Your listeners will not assume that the people in Group A were …
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Adjectives order

The list, although open to interpretation, is a good guideline if you're not sure. Using it will help prevent miscommunication. There is an upper limit to chained adjectives. Not a 'hard' limit …
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Deducting an advance from an expense: what (verb) happens to the expense?

He applies his expense to his advance and determines he needs $100 reimbursement. Using the definition of apply that means "bring to bear". I don't think English has a word for this that is a …
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Bi-Monthly (once every two months)

The confusion primarily exists among those who have had no reason to learn the difference between the two. For example, you are 17 years old and have never received a paycheck. When I was 17, I misu …
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2 votes

What's wrong with the sentence "I don't find him."?

When asking about searches, the response to the question, What did you find? always begins, I found... (past tense). When reporting the results of a search, the search is over and the past tense is u …
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2 votes

Do these sentences make sense? How to use "a ray of sunshine" and "a breath of fresh air"?

Her ray of sunshine is to reach the peak of Mount Everest, is a very uncommon usage of ray of sunshine. I would say that it is an incorrect usage. A ray of sunshine is something or someone that metap …
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1 vote

The Difference between Revolving and Rotating

Neither answer is correct. The Moon does not rotate around the Earth. It revolves around the Earth. This information is provided in your Given clause. The Given states that the Moon revolves around …
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Which way can 'fit' go?

Your sentences are acceptable and will be understood. What you've done is truncate the preposition or prepositional phrase in each sentence. With the phrase added they all make sense. Pick an en …
EllieK's user avatar
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When to say "I need money" as opposed to "I need the money"?

A millionaire and a person with £1 live in the same city. Q: Who needs money? A: They both do. Without it neither can buy anything. (It just so happens that the millionaire already has a lo …
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Can I place "too" next to any element of a sentence to refer to the other elements in the se...

When I think about it, I'm not so sure using too, as you've suggested, is as useful as you might have hoped. I would use too as I have below. State the phrase then use too at the end. It will be be …
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