I've got to know that the 'T' sound in American English has various pronunciation rules.
For example, flap T. And also one of the rule is when T sound followed by an 'n' sound or 'ən' sound, the 'T' SOUND WILL NOT ASPIRATE and people will directly pronounce the 'n' or 'ən' sound through nose, like 'imporTant', 'senTence'.
But, for the second 'd' sound in word 'indepenDent', should the second d sound be pronounced or not in American English in the actual conversation?
I know that all the voice or voiceless consonants are not aspirated while they are followed by other consonants. But I'm not sure whether it's OK for this word as d is followed by 'ən' sound. OR it can be both ways, cause I have heard one native speaker pronounced the 'D' sound. I want to know which one is most common way to pronounce this word or this type of words?