Having been chased by street dogs once, he doesn't dare to take that path.
An example relating to "___ (tell) many times, he still made the same mistakes" form http://forum.wordreference.com/threads/having-been-done-done.3333057/
I don't think you need both once and having been, together. They seem to have similar functions. That's why B doesn't sound good.
An explanation to "Once ______ a difficult and even dangerous place to visit, it is now a friendly destination that welcomes visitors from all over the world" from https://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/247926-quot-Done-quot-or-quot-Having-been-done-quot
Is it suitable to use "having been done" and "once" together?
What's your opinion on
Once ______ a difficult and even dangerous place to visit, it is now a friendly destination that welcomes visitors from all over the world.
A. considered B. having been considered
relative: What are the differences between "having been done" and "done"?