Say, I put on perfume and then I took a shower. Most of the perfume smell disappeared but some still remained.
Can I say "I can still smell a hint of perfume"?
Say, My baby pooped on my bed accidentally or several times a day. I didn't have time to change the bad cover so I cleaned it up. However, most of the poop smell was gone but some still remained.
Can I say "I can still smell a hint of baby poop"?
Can "a hint" be used for both bad and good smell?
If we can not use "a hint", what other words can we use?
a very small amount of something
Note: Most dictionaries do not say "a hint=faint smell", but "a hint=a very small amount of something".
Then, I heard someone (I am not sure is a native English speaker or not) say "smell a hint", so I just asked to make sure "to smell a hit" is a correct phrase.