No, The word "distraction" is not acceptable in such context. But there are other two alternatives:
The most specific term for that purpose is:
- Distractor - An incorrect option in a multiple choice question. (Oxford dictionary).
The "center of teaching" of Vanderbilt university (USA) states:
A multiple choice item consists of a problem, known as the stem, and a
list of suggested solutions, known as alternatives. The alternatives
consist of one correct or best alternative, which is the answer, and
incorrect or inferior alternatives, known as distractors.
Here is an academical article from the Imperial college of London, which checks the impact of distractors on medical students:
The use of distractors in multiple-choice questions: a medical
student perspective. (Reference)
There is another term less specific but is still correct in context:
- Red herring- A clue or piece of information which is or is intended to be misleading or distracting. (Oxford dictionary).