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Questions tagged [range-inclusion]

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Is there any common knowlege about inclusitivity-vs-exclusivity of ‘till/until’ time points?

Is it “common knowledge” agreed upon by all native speakers worldwide that the word till can variously be used both inclusive and also exclusive of its end point, depending on the context? So for ...
user9510's user avatar
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describing end points of a range in British English

I'd like to know whether "inclusive" can be placed after "between March and July," as after "from March to July" to indicate March and July are included in the range in British English. And how do we ...
Apollyon's user avatar
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Does from June to November include full November? [duplicate]

how many months is it when somebody says: Expats should take note that the hurricane season runs from June to November, and extreme weather can be a safety issue. Does it mean that the season ...
Peter's user avatar
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You can play it for free for 2/3 more days - Usage of ''for xx more days''?

A game is free from Monday until Wednesday, meaning the game will no longer be for free after midnight on Wednesday (Wednesday 23:59). It is around afternoon Monday and my friend asks me for how many ...
vladimiro's user avatar
4 votes
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What does "within 1 to 2 hours" imply

In the following context: You will be called within 1 to 2 hours Does "within" imply between 1 and 2 hours? Or anytime from now, until 2 hours?
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5 votes
3 answers

take place in + time

The motion of the cylinder is to take place in 3 seconds. Does that mean the motion starts after 3 seconds the duration of the motion of the cylinder is 3 seconds
Amr Hossam's user avatar
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Does "till Monday" include Monday?

My boss told me on Wednesday, "Please don't come to work til Monday." So when does this means I have to go back to work? On Monday or Tuesday?
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