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Forming a question over an indirect object

Answer: to give a cookie to someone OR to give someone a cookie Question: To whom did I give a cookie?= very correct, yes. BUT in regular, contemporary speech we actually say: Who did I give a cookie ...
Lambie's user avatar
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Why can't we say “How hard is to earn money”?

X is very hard. Let's make up a question to the word "very": How hard is X? Now, instead of "X", we can pick up some word or phrase. For example, if "X" is "the work&...
Loviii's user avatar
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Forming a question over a direct object of a ditransitive verb

You need the preposition "to" to show direction. Who did I give an ogre (someone has been given to the ogre) To who did I give an ogre (an ogre has been given to someone) It's also common ...
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